What's all this then?

twisting and Warping the very fabric of space and time!

Distinguished Guests and Colleagues,

At a time when the world needs answers, Dr. Hal is bringing his show to your living room. Today’s world situation calls for bold action and Dr. Hal has answered the call! The venue has changed, no longer confined to bars or nightclubs, thanks to the miracle of modern telecommunication techniques we are able to bring you the ALL NEW DR. HAL SHOW at 10 PM Eastern / 7 PM Pacific every second Sunday of the month live and on your computer screen.

Professor Pontius Pressure will be acting as your host and tech nerd for this little adventure. Also supporting the show is St. Joyce, our ever present, rarely seen and always busy Stage Ghost.  St. Joyce will act as your virtual host in the chat area.

So, that’s it! It’s easy! No course of study is involved. No complicated machinery to buy. You don’t have to worry about coming up with something “clever” for the show, some trick question. Not at all! That’s his job. Out of the flax of audience questions, Dr. Hal is eternally on the spot to spin pure entertainment gold.

Can he do it? Well, watching him succeed– or fail –is the essence of the act.

On any given evening, Dr. Hal recites long, obscure poems from memory, predicts future events, psychoanalyzes, tells fortunes and (sometimes) sings. Interspersed is a plethora of mad science, good music, eclectic guests and whatever it takes to get folks to put money in the tip jar. But do not insult Herr Doktor with insipid trivia; Dr. Hal need not be burdened with facts you already know or wish to challenge him on… Nay. We shall save that for YOUR Q&A show. Ask of the sapient Doctor something you have always wondered about. Something you need to know. Something that has possibly been on your mind for a few decades.  This show is of an improvisational nature– please do your part.  YOU are the ASK in The Ask Dr. Hal Show

A gratuity placed in our electronic tip jar will insure that your question receives the respect it deserves (based on the amount). Your questions will be addressed to Professor Pressure who will act as your intercessor to the mind of Dr. Hal.  Since you can’t physically hand us an envelope with you question and love offering, we will rely on the honor system for Dr. Hals tips.   Any generosity, needless to say, will be met with a proportionate response.

A side note can be freely provided by any member of the audience who would like to add shading to an answer. We encourage the side note.  Please use the chat function built into our teleconference software, the same one you used to address your questions.  Especially good points will be read on the show.

We also encourage our guests to engage in whatever altered state of consciousness they desire.  Whether it be deep meditation, multiple pots of coffee or the depths of an ether binge we feel we are best served with a side of altered state.  Think of us as your designated thinkers.

Still not sure about any of this? Trust us, we’re experts.